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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Klez virus

All known variants of Klez begin with a call to a function in a dll that does not exist in Windows 95 and imports a function that does not exist in another dll in Windows NT. Therefore, Klez cannot replicate under either of these platforms.

Klez creates several threads in order to perform a number of functions simultaneously.

  1. The first thread terminates certain applications - anti-virus and firewall programs - based on application name. Later variants also search for strings in process memory, and will terminate processes and delete files that contain them. Initially, this search was restricted to viruses, such as Nimda and SirCam, but the feature was extended later to include searching for anti-virus programs and the deletion of Registry keys.

    Under Windows 98/ME, Klez writes itself to the Registry key 'HKLM \Software \Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'. Early variants use 'krn132' as the value name and data, while the later ones use a name that begins with 'Wink' followed by two to four random letters. The result is that Windows launches the Klez file whenever the computer is booted. The thread is set to execute ten times per second, making it impossible to run on - demand anti-virus software for long enough to remove the virus. Later variants of Klez also run this routine thousand of times as part of the payload, but in such a way that processes will be terminated and files deleted, regardless of their content.

  2. The second thread drops and runs the W32/Elkern virus, which is carried as a compressed file within the body of Klez. Klez decompresses this file and drops it using a random filename in the %temp% directory. Once execution of the file is complete, Klez will delete it.

    When Elkern is run, it copies itself to the %system% directory, using a filename whose suffix depends on the platform upon which it is executed. Under Windows 98/ME, the filename is 'wqk.exe', and under Windows 2000/XP it is 'wqk.dll'. Under Windows 98/ME it will run wqk.exe; under Windows 2000/XP, it will load wqk.dll into its own process memory. This action will prevent the wqk file from being deleted, unless the Klez process is terminated first.

    At this point, Klez copies itself to the %system% directory, using the same name as it used in the Registry. Under Windows 98/ME, Klez will then write itself to the Registry again, as above. If the RegisterServiceProcess() API exists, Klez will use this to register itself as a service, which removes it from the Task List. If the copied file is not running already, Klez will run it now.

    Under Windows 2000/XP, Klez determines whether it is running as a service, using a rather complicated-looking method involving tokens and security IDs. If it is not running as a service, Klez will create a service, using the same name as it used in the Registry. If the copied file is not running, Klez will run it now, as a service. The most recent variants assign random values for the copied file's date and time, in an attempt to conceal its presence within sorted directory lists that would otherwise show the Klez file as the file created or modified most recently. Those variants that infect files will decompress and run the host file at this time.

  3. The third thread is used to send email. Klez uses the Windows Address Book as a source of email addresses, and assumes that the address book can be located from the Registry key 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WAB\WAB4\ Wab File Name'. This key is created by email products such as Outlook and Outlook Express, although others, such as Exchange and Windows Messaging, store the location of the address book using a different Registry key. Later variants of Klez also search for ICQ data files, which begin with 'db' or are called 'user.db'.

    If it finds either the address book or an ICQ data file, Klez reads from there as many addresses as will fit into its 4 Kb buffer. Klez has two routines for reading email addresses. One supports the ANSI character encoding for addresses, as used on Windows 98/ME by Outlook Express, ICQ, and Outlook prior to Outlook 2002. The other routine supports the Unicode character encoding for addresses, as used by all versions of Outlook and Outlook Express on Windows 2000/XP, and Outlook 2002 on all platforms. However, Klez stores the Unicode addresses in ANSI format. Klez considers an email address valid if it contains one '@', followed by at least two characters, then a dot ('.'). Later variants of Klez check that there are additional characters following the dot.

    If early variants find fewer than ten email addresses, Klez generates a random number of addresses (between 20 and 29), each containing three to nine letters, with the domain selected randomly from, and For each email address in the list, all known variants will select another address at random and use this as the 'from:' address. Klez prepends 'smtp' to the domain name in the 'from:' address, and attempts to connect to this server. If the connection is unsuccessful, Klez will enumerate the entries in 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager \Accounts\' to find SMTP information and attempt to connect to the server that is found. If the connection is successful, Klez will attempt to send itself to the chosen email address. Thus, person A's computer will be used to send an email to person B, but the email will appear to have come from person C.

    The early variants of Klez choose the subject of the email randomly from the following: Hi, , Hello, How are you?, Can you help me?, We want peace, Where will you go?, Congratulations!!!, Don't cry, Look at the pretty, Some advice on your shortcoming, Free XXX Pictures, A free hot porn site, Why don't you reply to me?, How about have dinner with me together? Never kiss a stranger

    Later variants use more complex subject generation. With a one in three chance, the current date will be checked against a list of specific dates. If the dates match, then the subject will begin with 'Happy' or 'Have a'. With another one in three chance, these variants will select one of the following words: new, funny, nice, humour, excite, good, powful, followed by the name, which relates to the date. The dates and names are as follows: 1 January: New Year, 6 January: Epiphany, 2 February: Candlemas, 14 February: Saint Valentine's Day, 25 March: Lady Day, 1 April: April Fools' Day, 15 August: Assumption, 31 October: All Hallowmas, 2 November: All Souls' Day, 25 December: Christmas.

    If no subject has been chosen yet, it may be left completely blank or begin with one of the following texts: Undeliverable mail-, Returned mail-, Hi, Hello, Re:, Fw:, followed by any one of: how are you, let's be friends, darling, don't drink too much, so cool a flash, enjoy it, your password, honey, some questions, please try again, welcome to my hometown, the Garden of Eden, introduction on ADSL, meeting notice, questionnaire, congratulations, sos!, Japanese girl VS playboy, look, my beautiful girlfriend, eager to see you, spice girls' vocal concert, Japanese lass' sexy pictures

    Alternatively, the subject may be a random string from a data file, or chosen from this list: a %s %s game, a %s %s tool, a %s %s website, each %s is replaced by a word from the adjective list described previously (new, funny, etc.). Other subjects include 'a %s %s patch', where the first %s is replaced by an adjective, and the second by 'WinXP' or 'IE 6.0', and '%s removal tools', where %s is replaced by 'W32.Elkern' or 'W32.Klez'. The most recent variants of Klez may use the subject 'Worm Klez.E immunity'.

    The message body in later variants remains empty unless the subject is one of those that contains a %s, the subject refers to Klez.E immunity, or the subject begins with 'Undeliverable mail-' or 'Returned mail-'.

    If the subject refers to a removal tool, the message body will contain one of the following names: Symantec, Mcafee, F-Secure, Sophos, Trendmicro, or Kaspersky, followed by 'give you the %s removal tools', where %s is 'W32.Elkern' or 'W32.Klez'. The following line is either 'W32.Elkern is a %s dangerous virus that can infect on Win98/Me/2000/XP' or 'W32.Klez is a %s dangerous virus that can spread through email', where %s is 'very' or 'special'. This is followed by 'for more information, please visit http: //www.', where %s is the name of the anti-virus vendor from the list above. The filename of the attachment is 'setup.exe' or 'install.exe'. If the subject does not refer to a removal tool, the suffix of the attachment will be .exe, .scr, .pif, or .bat. If the subject refers to Klez.E immunity, then the message body will read:

    'Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm. It's very dangerous by corrupting your files. Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus technic, most common AV software can't detect or clean it. We developed this free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus.

    You only need to run this tool once, and then Klez will never come into your PC.


    Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm, some AV monitor maybe cry when you run it. If so, Ignore the warning, and select 'continue'

    If you have any question, please mail to me.'where %s is replaced by the random 'From:' address.

    If the subject refers to an undeliverable or returned mail, the message body will read 'The following mail cannot be sent to %s:' where %s is the random 'From:' email address, followed by 'The %s is the original mail', where %s is 'attachment' or 'file'.

    For emails whose subjects refer to a game, tool, or website, the message body will begin 'This is', then repeat the subject, followed by 'I %s you would %s it.', where the first %s is replaced by 'wish', 'hope' or 'expect', and the second is replaced by 'enjoy' or 'like'. The message may begin with 'Hi' or 'Hello'.

    If the subject refers to a game, the message will continue with 'This game is my first work. You're the first player' and the name of the attachment will be one of the following: 'setup', 'install', 'demo', 'snoopy', 'picacu', 'kitty', 'play', 'rock'.

    In addition to the message body, there is HTML code that exploits vulnerability in unpatched Outlook and Outlook Express. There are two parts to this vulnerability.

    The first is that applications can be launched automatically from an IFrame, without any prompt.

    The second part is that the MIME content type is trusted explicitly, without reference to the filename (and thus the file content), yet the launching of the application is performed by a part of Windows that does examine the filename. The result is that certain multimedia content types can be used to launch Windows executable files.

    Klez uses this vulnerability to launch itself automatically. In addition to the viral attachment, if a data file is found (see below), there is a 50 to 100 per cent chance (depending on the variant) that Klez will attach this file to the email as well. Once the email has been sent, the recipient's address is added to a master list. If the email connection proved unsuccessful, Klez will try five other addresses, selected at random from the email list. If the connection is still unsuccessful, Klez will try five addresses chosen randomly from its master list. Later variants of Klez also carry a list of open relays and will attempt to connect to one chosen at random from this list.

    Regardless of whether the email has been sent successfully, the master list is updated each time, by removing the first entry and shifting the others up. This thread is executed repeatedly, at intervals of between 10 minutes and five hours, depending on the variant.

  4. The fourth thread that is created searches for open shares on the local area network. Klez will copy itself once to each shared directory. If a data file is found (see below), then Klez will use its filename without extension as its base filename, otherwise it will generate a random name, consisting of two to five letters followed by a number. To this will be attached two suffixes. The first is chosen randomly from txt, htm, doc, jpg, bmp and xls. The second is always '.exe'.

    Later variants of Klez can also drop RAR archives, containing only the Klez file, into these directories. Under Windows 2000/XP, Klez will launch the file as a service on the remote computer. The more recent variants will also connect to the remote Registry and add an entry to the 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Run Once' key to run the copied .exe file when the remote computer is rebooted. This thread is run repeatedly, at intervals of between 30 minutes and eight hours, depending on the variant.


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